Photography, drawings, design, writing, and other random stuff. Enjoy!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

My Cat Shiva

I have four animals that are personally mine. A blue parakeet named Sapphire, Two fish;  a Siamese Fighting name named Cloudburst and a Shubunkin named Kin. Finally is my cat, an orange tabby, named Shiva. She is my baby! I like taking pictures of her and she likes having her picture taken. Here are some of the photos I took of her...

This last picture, the cat that is with her is her mother, Kimba. Besides Kimba and Shiva, we also have Shiva's sister Monkey, her brother Turkey. Also a black calico named Angelina, a Taby named Destro (though we usually just call him the kitten), and finally our white cat Precautious.
We also have a turtle named Ginger-Betty, A duck named Huck, Two official dogs (Tremor and Prancer) and another dog for a short while named Samson. There are two bunnies and a lot of other fish.

That's all of our pets and I love everyone of them. Together with my family, we make one big happy family (most of the time) and you have something to say about that, then tough toenails to you!

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