Photography, drawings, design, writing, and other random stuff. Enjoy!

Friday, May 27, 2011

Old Paintings (古い絵画)

So I have some old paintings I did for another gift exchange from last year, I had scanned them on my dad's computer because my scanner wasn't working at the time, then I traded them for some other cool art pieces at the party. I wasn't able to ever post them because they were only on my dad's computer until last week when he scanned the pieces for this last party. There are four of them, painted on small canvases. So enjoy!

A mysterious figure walking in the snow.
The Dragon Pokemon Dragonair.
Some flowers
Lanterns and a blossoming cherry tree at night.

Water Colossus (水の巨人)

Another project I was working on for deviantArt was a contest to create a Colossus (Big Boss) from the computer game RIFT. The contest ends on the June 10th, and you can choose from any of the six planes in the game to create a colossus of. The winner gets a whole lot of cool stuff, plus their design could be turned into a real monster in their game!

Now for mine, I chose to make a Water Colossus, because lets face it. Water is the best element EVER! So yeah, it's based off of a sea serpent, obviously. Although, you can't see the other side of it's head, there is another face on it, that of a beautiful woman, but it's just a disguise to get you to look at it and get closer than it turns and reveals it's less beautiful true form and shreds you to parts with it's razor sharp teeth and spikes (I'm thinking of doing this part and re-submitting it so that it is there but we'll see). It was really fun to come up with the design of this monster and I hope you enjoy it as much as I did making it! So here it is...

You can see by the small person standing by the tail why it's called a Colossus! Scary isn't it. If I do end up doing the back of the head, then I will post it on this post so if for some reason this post isn't on the first page just go into the history and look for the WATER COLOSSUS post to see it.

Favorite Pokemon Meme (好きなポケモンミーム)

About two weeks ago I did this thing for deviantArt, A meme started by Zhampy. The Meme? Favorite Pokemon of course! So I finished a while ago but I never had the time to post up here, so with out any further ado, here it is! Enjoy.
The finished product!
The drawings colored in after scanning them (digitally colored).
The rules if you couldn't tell was to choose and draw your four favorite Pokemon from each of the five generations, equaling twenty drawings. It was difficult to choose my favorites as I have a  lot of favorites, but I finally choose the following:

Generation I: Starmie (no. 121), Lapras (no. 131), Vaporeon (no. 134), and Dragonair (no. 148)

Generation II: Sunflora (no.192), Murkrow (no. 198), Kingdra (no. 230), and Suicune (no. 249)

Generation III: Kirlia (no. 281), Skitty (no. 300), Mawile (no. 303), and Milotic (no. 350)

Generation VI: Lumineon (no. 457), Glaceon (no. 471), Froslass (no. 478), and Cresselia (no. 488)

Generation V: Lilligant (no. 549), Swanna (no. 581), Frillish (no. 592), and finally Eelektross (no. 604)

Well those are them, if you want to find out about them, read the description in the submission on deviantArt.

New Drawings (新図面)

It's been a while since a new update and sorry about that.

I have some new drawings however, they were done for an art trade that never happened. There are six in total. The event that it was supposed to happen at was a dinner thing at my sister's school, held by my old design class. My sister wasn't sure if it was going to happen (The art trade) so I did some pieces for it anyways, just in case it did go on. Here are.

Ichigo from Bleach (by Tite Kubo).

A Dragon.

Orchid with a Haiku by  Basho.

Lilligant from Pokemon.

Starmie from Pokemon.

Murkrow from Pokemon.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Big Brother - Hitashi (兄貴 - 浸し)

Another art post in the same day! This time it is another Pokemon Gijinka, of Lumineon. This time a male Lumineon. His name is Hitashi and is the big brother of the first Lumineon Akaru. He is about three years older than her and has a completely different attitude than his little sister. He is rash and hot headed and very full of himself, he knows he looks good! Although he put up a tough guy demeanor, he has a soft heart and can be very sensitive, especially when someone threats him or his friends and family, or if they make fun of his hair. So here he is and enjoy!

Also some sad news, about a week ago my beloved fish Cloudburst past away, he was a Siamese Fighting Fish and lived alone, I had him for a year an a half and he was sick for a short time, When I noticed him, we immediately changed out his water and gave him more food, he lasted more than twenty four hours but then when we came back from an Easter party, he had already gone. R.I.P.
p.s. I did not flush him down the toilet, that's just evil to do that.

Another thing a couple of days ago our old dog Prancer escaped while we were either at the beach or later that night, we believe he escaped when the wind blew over apiece of wood that blocked a hole in the fence and he squeezed through. Luckily we did find him today, he was at someone's house who had found him on the other side of town, we don't know how he could have gotten there because he would have had to have passed one if the busiest streets in town, but we know he did because when we went around asking the neighbors if they had  seen him, one person said they saw a dog like that on the corner near a gas station on the main street. Luckily some people who take care of lost dogs, they reported him to the shelter and they got in contact with us so we went and got him.

I don't know when the next time I will be able to post anything new so see you hopefully soon, bye!


More Pokemon Drawings! (その他のポケットモンスター図面!)

Hello,  it's been quite some time since I've posted anything so here it goes! I got some new Pokemon sketches to show, all of them are my own creations so enjoy...

Lemespat (Combo of Lemur, ESP and Cat) Psychic/Normal Type.

Moaneist (Moan and Geist, German for ghost) The Second Stage evolution of Phanwail and Banshreek, Also Ghost/Dark Type.

Oriyurei (Ori, Japanese for folded like in Origami, and Yurei, Japanese for Ghost) Ghost/Flying Type, obviously based off of Paper Cranes.

Shelkis (Shell and Kiss) Water Type, still working on its evolved form, based on a Geoduck.
Elekton (Electric Plankton) Water/Electric Type. Based on types of plankton and jellyfish, also based on something I made that reminded me of plankton.

Zoocked, pronounced Zoo-oct (zooplankton and shocked) Water/Electric Type. Evolved form of Elekton.