Photography, drawings, design, writing, and other random stuff. Enjoy!

Monday, September 26, 2011

IT'S BEEN A WHILE! (それは久しぶりです!)

So, sorry it's been more than two months since my last posts, I've just been so busy now that I'm at ART SCHOOL!!! Yeah so I am in art school as a first year student in the Graphic Design major (for now!) My current classes are: Intro to the Arts, English I (Yes there are English classes in art school!), 4D: Time Based Narratives, Graphic Design: Tools, and Drawing I: Real to the Imagined.
I've got a pretty busy schedule and have already had some major projects, so now that I have some free time, I thought I'd update. Over the next hour or so I'll be Posting some new Poetry I wrote recently, not all of them mind you just some of my favorites.
NOTE: I have come up with my own style of poetry! It's what I like to call Lyrical Haiku (Please don't laugh). How you do it is basically write several haikus (Say five) and write them in a style so that they go off each other, making a story, like lyrics to a song, sort of.

Please also note that I don't know when the next time I will be able to post is, so to anyone who actually looks at this blog (Which I doubt there are), I am sorry.

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