Photography, drawings, design, writing, and other random stuff. Enjoy!

Friday, December 10, 2010

Europe Trip!

I never said anything about this before, but now I think is the time to talk about it. This summer I went on a sort-of school trip to Europe, it was with some of the kids in my Design Class of last year, along with my old Design teacher. We took a plane from LAX to London, then from London to Amsterdam. We stayed Two night in Amsterdam then took a charter bus to Germany and stayed on night in a scary hotel a few miles outside of Heidelberg. Then we drove to Munich and stayed a night there. We then drove though Austria, stopping at the Kristallwelten and then Innsbruck. We did not stay in Austria but instead drove to Venice, Italy. We stayed outside of Venice for two nights and then drove to Switzerland, stopping in Verona. We stayed for two nights in Engleburg in Switzerland and visited Lucerne. We then drove to Dijon France and stayed there one night. After that we went to Paris and were there for two nights, finally we took the Eurostar to London and stayed there for two nights.

In total there were eleven of us in our group, and there were four other groups, one from Austin, Texas, one from Terre Haute, Indiana, and finally from Oh my gosh I can't remember! Anyway, we all became friends adn whatnot. Over all it was fantastic and life changing, I didn't eat a lot though (I'm not really that big of an eater, and there was a lot of weird stuff that I didn't really like, except for the BREAD!) Hopefully I will post all of my wonderful pictures and stuff from the trip soon, there will probably be different posts for each country so look out!

Oh yes and I also finished my first semester of college on Wednesday. I will also be posting my many art projects that I did through out the Fall real soon too, so yeah.

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